
The most obvious and immediate benefit of a massage is relaxation of the body and the mind.

One will be surprised to find how such a simple act of massage, can give a wide variety of benefits to the human body. The massage gives the body most of the benefits of yoga. For people who do not have time to exercise or do yoga, regular massage is a good alternative. At the same time, massage is a must for those who do intense workouts or sports to relieve the muscular strain acquired during the workout session.

Both physical and mental stress weakens the nervous system and impairs the circulation of blood and other vital fluids in the body. When one does not feel emotionally involved in a job or does not like it, his or her body fatigues quickly which in turn impedes the outflow of toxins. By kneading and pressing the muscles, accumulated toxins are encouraged to leave the body; in exchange the cells fill with nutrient material and oxygen. Massage stimulates activity in the channels and enhances circulation of nutrient materials through them to their related organs and increases the production of white blood corpuscles and antibodies. As a result the body’s immune system becomes strong, longevity is naturally increased.

In Ayurveda, massage is described as jarahar, the remover of old age. Massage can stop premature aging, reduce wrinkles, tone muscles and restore agility to joints. Massage opens up the pores in the body which results in the absorption of the oil. Massage with rejuvenating oils, prepared with herbs and spices makes the skin feel smooth and gives it a glow. It helps the body to retain its proper shape and elasticity.

People suffering from sleeplessness or disturbed sleep can also benefit from massage. Especially the head massage is beneficial to them.

To sum-up all the benefits mentioned above:

  • reduces the physical and mental stress
  • helps in elimination of toxins
  • better blood circulation
  • increases immunity
  • slows down aging
  • increases elasticity of the skin
  • results in smooth and glowing skin
  • healthy hair (head massage)
  • induces deep sleep